
来源:济南摄影双年展作者:媛媛 2022-10-15 阅读:1599


“微芒成阳 ”亚太地区高校摄影邀请展


The Third University Invitational Exhibition of

Jinan International Photography Biennale

“Tiny Rays Converge into a Sun ”- Asia-Pacific

University Photography Invitational Exhibition

-Japan University




Osaka University of Arts

Osaka University of Arts has an exciting campus that expands the possibilities of art.Since 15 departments are gathered in one place includes Fine Art, Design, Photography, Broadcasting, Performing Arts, Film Making, Architecture, Science of Art, Literature, Craft Arts, it is possible to create and interact with other departments. We will guide you to access to a campus with advanced facilities and equipment. The campus features advanced equipment building your future. Osaka University of Arts is a private arts university located in Kanan-cho, Minami-kawachi District, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. The university was founded in 1945. The university adopted the current name in 1966.

吉川直哉 教授

Professor Naoya Yoshikawa

《 在S家的花园里》

日本大阪富田林镇内町建于 1560 年左右。杉山家族是自成立以来一直居住在镇内町的最古老的家族之一。从江户时代到明治中期,该家族通过经营酿酒厂而繁荣昌盛,同时领导并协调河内地区的各种酿酒厂。剩余建筑中最古老的部分是其建于 1650 年左右的土层。该建筑建于 1734 年之前,正如今天一样。宅邸的客厅有被称为“大阪墙”的漂亮墙壁,隔间门上的华丽画作出自狩野派画家之手。1983年,这座住宅被指定为国家重要的文化资产,它讲述了古代南河内地区丰富的文化。“在S家的花园里”通过花园表达了这所房子悠久而复杂的历史,人们的各种艰苦生活导致时空的交织。

《In the Garden of the S Family》

Jinai-machi of Tondabayashi, Osaka in Japan was built around 1560. The Sugiyama Family was one of the oldest families that had lived in Jinai-machi since its foundation. From the Edo period to the mid-Meiji period, the family prospered as operators of a sake brewery, and coordinated various breweries in the Kawachi region as their leader.The oldest part of the remaining building is its earthen floor built around 1650. The residence had been built before 1734 as it is today. The residence’s parlor has beautiful walls built in the style known as “Osaka Wall,” and gorgeous paintings on the fusuma doors werepainted by Kano school artists. In 1983, the residence, which tells of the rich culture of the South Kawachi region in olden days, was designated as a national important cultural asset.“In the Garden of the S Family” was expressed through the garden of this house has long and complicated history sch as space-time is twisted with various hard life of people.

山下 莉佳 Ms. Rika Yamashita




While riding the bus to school, I was at first casually watching the changing scenery, but then I remembered that when I was a child, I looked out the train window and wondered how the scenery in the foreground and the background, and the sky changed differently from each other. I wondered if the passage of time was really different for each of them. Therefore, this time, I expressed what I thought the providence of time is by composing photographs taken on the bus at different shutter speeds.

中澤怜宇子Riuko Nakazawa



《Alter in Form》

This work consists of self-portraits of parts of one's own body, cut with scissors, reassembled, and scanned. By physically dismantling and reconstructing my own body, I am attempting to free myself from the definition of physicality that we humans unconsciously impose on ourselves. The reconstructed parts have blurred the boundaries and have been transformed into an indefinite mass. By easily transforming what constitutes me into something else through my expression, I am making visible the indeterminacy of the body and its liberation from the definition of corporeality.


东京造形大学(TZU)由草泽洋子(Yoko Kuwasawa)及其支持者于1966年成立。东京造形大学是日本有史以来第一所以“ Zokei”一词命名的大学。“ Zokei”一词不仅指通常所理解的视觉形式或表达方式,而且还表明了承认“艺术”和“设计”作为一个整体的立场:超越了综合“艺术”与“设计”的界限。“ Zokei”基于以下观点:我们承认各种执行和表达是社会表现的一部分。东京造形大学有八个主要设计领域(图形设计,摄影,电影,动画,媒体设计,工业设计,室内建筑,纺织品设计),第二个艺术专业(艺术,雕塑)。

Tokyo Zokei University

Tokyo Zokei University (TZU) was founded in 1966 by Yoko Kuwasawa and her supporters.Tokyo Zokei University is the first university ever in Japan that has the word “Zokei” in its name. The word “Zokei” does not only refer to the visual form or an expression, as is generally understood, but it also indicates the standpoint to acknowledge “art” and “design” as a whole: Going beyond the boundary of synthesizing “art” and “design”, “Zokei” is based on the viewpoint that we acknowledge all kinds of executions and expressions as a part of social performance.Tokyo Zokei University has eight major design areas (graphic design, photography, film, animation, media design, industrial design, indoor architecture, textile design) and the second major in Fine Arts (art, sculpture).

中里和人 名誉教授

Professor Katsuhito Nakazato






《Night in Earth》

The Japanese archipelago is a string of volcanic islands surrounded by ocean beneath which are magma stores of colossal energy, occasionally giving rise to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. To this, the Asian Monsoon adds powerful winds and rains, and the ocean its tidal force, all of which contributed to the carving of the lands topography and coastline over millennia.

Shooting of the shorelines then extended beyond the Kii Peninsula to the regions of Shikoku, Kyushu and the Japan Sea. In particular, the rocky shores I came upon in Murotomisaki in Kochi prefecture had so complex a configuration that I would liken it to a maze.

Visiting these shorelines across Japan repeatedly, the distance between myself and the landscape and its mass seemed to dissolve more and more until they had dissipated into air. Eventually the sky, the sea, the land and I merged and I experienced a release, of being subsumed into nature.

To this day, the dark shorelines, amassing layer upon layer of rock, reveal that primordial landscape of planets that evokes the origins of our Earth.

保坂茜 Akane Hosaka




《street tree》

As I was walking down the street, my sight came across a street tree. With that in mind, I started shooting.

Standing quietly and majestically in the night city, they are people who exist beyond the trees by the roadside.

森夏生 Natsuki Mori




《Made of stone, turned into stone.》

This is a landscape work created by UV printing casual everyday photographs on stones collected from the Sakawa River, which flows from Shizuoka Prefecture to Kanagawa Prefecture.

Striped pattern formed by sediment deposition.Striped pattern formed by rocks under pressure deep underground.Striped pattern formed by cooling and hardening during the flow of magma.White quartz due to hot water and gas entering cracks in rocks.The surface of the striped stone formed by sedimentation is a timeless yet lost past.



在该学院,我们将在“美术与媒体科学系”、“摄影与影像艺术系”、“视觉设计系”、“生活环境设计系”、“ 社会设计系”等5个系和12个专业领域进行挑战。


Kyushu Sangyo University

Kyushu Sangyo University aspires to develop practicality-oriented and passionate human resources with a rich sense of humanity in order to meet the expectations of industrial circles.Students will create a new future with each one's intelligence and emotion.

In this faculty, we will keep challenging in the field of our 5 departments “Department of Fine Arts and Media Science”,“Department of Photography and Imaging Arts”,“Department of Visual Design”,“Department of Living Environment Design”,“Department of Social Design”and 12 majors.

The master's course consists of 3 fields, art, design,and photography. Each course enhances student's ability to conduct academic research, and cultivates researchers and generalists.The Doctoral course set up each research issue based on research of the master's course,and trains resarchers and artists who can play important roles in modern art and culture.

百濑俊哉 教授

Professor Momose Toshiya



《Venice, corner florist.》

The streets of Venice are like a maze, with countless dead-end streets. The streets are almost always made narrow, which allows for a sense of adventure. I found a flower shop on a street corner, quietly open for business. I feel that life with flowers enriches my heart. I took the shutter hoping that there is a future for this town.

山森 萌 Yamamori moe




《Correct City》

Feel the familiar air no matter where you walk.

This place where I grew up must be the correct city.

東伊織 Higashi Iori



《Spring Curse》

It expresses “expectations and anxieties” toward others and “self like a parasite that clings to something.”

津高凛優 Tsudaka Rinyu



《Accumulation of Phenomena》

Japan has many natural disasters. Various phenomena overlap and the accumulated landscape is complicated and interesting.

安部捺美 Abe Natsumi





《Stand by me Blue.》

I have been chasing youth all the time.

Even when I'm sad, those feelings support me.

So I can always be confident.














指导单位:中国摄影家协会教育委员会、 中国高等教育学会摄影专业委员会

承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院



总策展:张辉、黄荣华 (土耳其 )、柳银珪(韩国)



Agatha Bunanta (印度尼西亚 )、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng(新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan (马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)












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